2019 was a huge year for the Cola Town Bike Collective. We moved to a new home, launched the first-of-its-kind app to help bicycle commuters, hosted a half dozen events, and participated in another half dozen providing free bike valet and repair services. All of this while supplying hundreds of bikes and thousands of hours of volunteer service to people who need reliable transportation.
By The Numbers
Volunteer Hours
2130, with time valued at $53,250
Donated Bikes
181 adult, 74 kids valued at $23,195
Free Service Provided
155 times, average $30 for a value of $4650
Events with Free Bike Valet
Provided by the CTBC: 8
15 (our youngest is 13!)

Timothy, one of our favorite regulars has been coming to our shop for over 3 years to have his bikes serviced.

One of our volunteers, Jacob Oblander assisting on changing a tube.

Jade Blocker performing at the shop
Some of our charitable partners who we have worked with this year include:

Additionally, we work directly with individuals who fall outside of traditional channels of help.

After a year in development and with a grant from Central Carolina Community Foundation, as well as generous support from BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, we launched a first-of-its-kind web-app called “Sprocket”.
Sprocket is your one stop shop for learning the best thoroughfares to ride a bike through the Midlands, based on your level of comfort! Visit ridesprocket.com to see curated routes to everywhere in the Columbia area. We have used our collective knowledge to identify the best roads and thoroughfares to ride on.
In addition to routes, Sprocket also highlights bike repair stands, bike racks where you can lock up, and BlueBike bike share stations.
We are constantly building out more virtual infrastructure in Sprocket, so if you don’t see routes near you yet, let us know!

Bicycle Repair Network
In 2018, through EngenuitySC’s What’s Next Midlands grant in partnership with West Columbia, House of Raeford, City Center Partnership, John Green/Cycle Center, Richland County Public Library, Cason Development Group, Indah Coffee, Cotton Town Brew Lab, and Warmouth; we installed 10 bike repair stands around the midlands.
Part of our promise was to maintain the stands for 3 years (who are we kidding, we are going to maintain them in perpetuity!)Some of the biggest concerns and objections to the stands is that they would be vandalized or otherwise intentionally damaged. That hasn’t been the case at all. In the last 2 years we have found that the pump heads wear out about every 2 months, and that has been our biggest maintenance item. We have had 2 tools fail and we have had 2 hoses fail. We really had no idea just how robust these things are!
In 2020 we are hoping to raise money for 10 more units.
From the President
In the past 5 years I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the Cola Town Bike Collective grow into an organization which has become a location for friendship, community, and development. The enthusiasm from all of our volunteers is something that really speaks to our mission. I am honored to have met some amazing people in our community and to see how thoughtful and hardworking they are to help all of our clients. 2019 was especially amazing for me. Not only were we able to help significantly more individuals, but we have seen our community grow to attract artists and musicians who want to do whatever they can to support our mission.
I want to thank all of our corporate partners and individuals who have donated money or bikes to make this all possible. We couldn’t provide the services we do with out the generosity of our friends, neighbors, organizations and churches in the midlands. Thank You!

Scott Nuelken, President
You can donate through PayPal: colatownbikecollective@gmail.com
711 Elmwood Ave, Columbia SC 29201 • colatownbikes.com • (803) 216-5106